Otriv­ine Anti­stin®

OTRIV­INE ANTI­STIN® for sea­son­al and peren­ni­al aller­gy symp­tom relief - for more information or to purchase please visit your local optometrist or pharmacist. 

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OTRIV­INE ANTI­STIN® for Sea­son­al and Peren­ni­al Aller­gy Symp­tom Relief

Otrivine Antistin® (Xylometazoline 0.05% w/v Antazoline 0.5% w/v) eye drops are dual action including both a decongestant and anti-histamine active ingredients, providing temporary relief from the symptoms of seasonal and perennial allergies, such as redness and itching.

Aller­gies may be sea­son­al, such as hay fever, or peren­ni­al, caused by irri­tants such as house dust. The for­mu­la uses a com­bi­na­tion of a long-last­ing vaso­con­stric­tor (xylometax­o­line) to reduce red­ness and an anti-his­t­a­mine (anta­zo­line) to com­bat itchy eyes.

Licensed Uses

Otriv­ine Anti­stin® is a non-pre­scrip­tion med­i­cine that pro­vides tem­po­rary relief from the symp­toms of eye aller­gies , such as red­ness and itch­ing in adults and chil­dren aged 13 and over

Direc­tions and Dosing

Always take this med­i­cine exact­ly as described in the Patient Infor­ma­tion Leaflet or as your doc­tor or phar­ma­cist have told you. A link to the Patient Infor­ma­tion Leaflet is at the bot­tom of this page. Check with your doc­tor or phar­ma­cist if you are not sure.

Warn­ings & Precautions

For a full list of warn­ings and pre­cau­tions asso­ci­at­ed with tak­ing Otriv­ine Anti­stin®, please refer to the Patient infor­ma­tion leaflet. This will pro­vide a break­down of pos­si­ble side effects, the pos­si­ble inter­ac­tions with oth­er med­i­cines, advice regard­ing preg­nan­cy and breast feed­ing, advice on use with con­tact lens­es, as well as warn­ing symp­toms which may occur on rare occa­sions. In any of these cas­es, you should read the Patient Infor­ma­tion Leaflet for full details and con­sult your doc­tor or phar­ma­cist for advice or fur­ther information.

To pur­chase, please vis­it your near­est Phar­ma­cy – this is a Phar­ma­cy Med­i­cine and the Phar­ma­cist will need to ask you a few ques­tions to ensure this prod­uct is right for you.
