Looking after your eye health

Your eyes are the second most complex organ after your brain – they need all the care you can give them to see you into later life.

Why is eye health important?

It’s simple really – good eye health can significantly lower your chances of developing eye conditions and experiencing issues with your eyes. Introducing a good eye care routine into your day-to-day is the best way to improve the health of your eyes.

How to look after your eyes

Many things that impact our general health can also affect our eye health. This includes sunlight, smoking, high blood pressure, pollution, and poor diet. These factors can affect both your vision and the comfort of your eyes. Here are some of the ways you can help to prevent and reduce problems:


Book a regular eye test

Even if you haven’t noticed any vision changes everyone should have an eye test with an optometrist every two years. This is important because some eye conditions have no symptoms. 


Eat a healthy diet

It’s important to eat a healthy, balanced diet to support your eye health. Nutrients found in certain foods, such as Lutein and Zeaxanthin, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Zinc, have been found to reduce the risk of certain eye diseases. Try to avoid processed foods or those high in saturated fat, salt, and sugar. Your diet should include:

·      Oily fish, such as salmon or mackerel or vegan/vegetarian alternatives such as      walnuts and flaxseed
·      Good sources of protein, such as eggs, nuts, and beans
·      Citrus fruits, such as lemons and oranges
·      Green leafy vegetables, such as kale and spinach


Protect your eyes

Sunglasses aren’t just for summer. Shield your eyes from harmful UVA and UVB rays by wearing eye protection all year round. Wear a hat and never look directly at the sun. You should also take extra care if you work with hazardous materials or play sports that may damage your eyes. Always remember to wear safety goggles or protective eye wear. 


Give your eyes a rest

Looking at a screen all day can make your eyes feel dry and tired. It can lead to blurred vision, eye strain and dry eyes. If your job involves computer work, make sure you take regular breaks. Aim to rest your eyes every 20 minutes by gazing away from your monitor at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. You might also benefit from setting daily screen time limits on your phone.


Avoid cigarettes and alcohol

Smoking affects eye health and is linked to macular degeneration and cataracts. It’s best to quit cigarettes, if you can, to prevent damage to your eyes and reduce the risk of problems. Drinking alcohol is also damaging to your eyes. Try to limit your intake and stick to the recommended guidelines.


Look after your contacts

Adopting a regular cleansing routine can help to keep your eyes free from debris and irritants, reducing the risk of inflammation. It’s especially important to maintain good hygiene if you wear contact lenses. Always ensure your hands are clean before handling contact lenses your contact lenses and rinse them with solution rather than water.


Check your genes

Some eye conditions can be hereditary. Check your family background for any recurrent conditions or history of sight loss. If you discover anything concerning, make sure to discuss this with your optometrist.


Remove eye makeup properly

Properly removing eye makeup at the end of the day with eye-friendly products can help you form good habits that keep your eyes comfortable. We recommend using micellar water to remove your eye makeup since it’s suitable for all skin types, and this works by attracting makeup like a magnet and lifting it away from the skin without disrupting the natural barrier. It’s especially important to make sure that heavier makeup is thoroughly removed, so spend a bit more time and care if you’ve been wearing waterproof mascara, glitter or anything else that’s tricker to wipe away.


Stay hydrated

By keeping yourself well hydrated, you can help keep your eyes healthy and prevent dryness which could otherwise be uncomfortable. Make sure you’re drinking enough water at various points throughout the day since this can have an impact on your eye health.


Get into an eye care routine

Maintaining a good eye care routine geared towards improving eye health couldn’t be more important. Within your routine, you should be using a combination of products that can help with any symptoms or eye conditions you’re experiencing. From cleansers to hydrating and warming products, you need to find what works best for you and use these regularly.

Care for your eyes with Théa

It’s simple really – good eye health can significantly reduce your chances of experiencing issues with your eyes. Introducing a good eye care routine into your day-to-day is the best way to improve the health of your eyes.


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