A preservative is a natural or synthetic ingredient that is added to products to prevent them from spoiling or contamination. Preservatives are used in many different product types, including cosmetics, food and eye care. In eye care, they are added to prolong shelf life and reduce contamination.
This all sounds like preservatives are a key ingredient. However, clinical testing across several product categories has found that some preservatives are linked to allergy sensitivity, eye irritation and adverse reactions.
Preservatives were first used in eye care in the 1950s to prevent bacterial contamination. Since this time, clinical studies have demonstrated that preservatives in eye care products can be harmful to the surface of the eye and, especially when used over a long period of time, can damage the tear film, superficial structures and deeper parts of the eye. Symptoms range from mild discomfort to severe Dry Eye Syndrome.
How does Thea develop products without preservatives?
Since the discovery that preservatives could be harmful to eyes, innovative companies, like Thea, have designed new product dispensing systems allowing products to be free of preservatives.
The unique ABAK® bottle and the Steri-Free Technology® Tube means that preservatives no longer have to be added, as the anti-bacterial filter system at the neck allows for the product to be dispensed without any risk of contamination.
- Designed to be easy to handle
- No potential for contamination
- Measure drops precisely – no waste