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blurred vision
All the time
Vision that is blurry all the time needs checking out by your optometrist first – it may be that you need new glasses or that there is an underlying problem that needs managing, such as cataracts.
See your optometrist.Intermittent
Vision that is blurry all the time needs checking out by your optometrist first – it may be that you need new glasses or that there is an underlying problem that needs managing, such as cataracts.
You may have Dry Eye.About Dry EyeTO TOP

red eyes
Both eyes
The most common causes of two red eyes are ‘Dry Eye’ or ‘allergy’, but it can also mean infection.
You may have Dry Eye, Allergy.About Dry EyeJust one eye
You should seek the advice of your optometrist, pharmacist or GP as this could indicate a specific problem such as an infection or inflammation that needs treatment.
You may have an Infection. See your optometrist.TO TOP

painful/uncomfortable eyes
‘Painful’ eyes (one or both) are unusual, so this warrants further investigation by your optometrist, who will be able to examine your eyes in full, using specialist equipment.
Remember that an eye test is not just about checking for new glasses: optometrists are also trained to detect signs of eye disease and can refer you for specialist treatment.
If your eyes are uncomfortable rather than painful, it could be that the surface of your eye needs more lubrication, dry eye drops can alleviate the discomfort.
You may have Dry Eye.About Dry EyeTO TOP

gritty, sore eyes
Both eyes
If both eyes are gritty and sore, most of the time, and there is no discharge, you are likely to have ‘Dry Eye’, ‘allergy’ or blepharitis.
You may have Dry Eye and/or Blepharitis or Allergy.About Dry EyeAbout BlepharitisJust one eye
You should seek the advice of your optometrist, pharmacist or GP as this could indicate a specific problem such as infection, or a scratch on the surface of the eye that needs treatment.
See your optometrist.TO TOP

watery eyes
Both eyes
If both of your eyes tend to water after being exposed to grass pollen or animals, you may have an eye allergy or seasonal allergy – speak to your pharmacist to find the best solution to resolve it. If both eyes water easily in the wind or cold conditions, this is likely to be Dry Eye.
You may have Dry Eye.ABOUT DRY EYEJust one eye
If it is just one of your eyes that seems to overflow, then get this checked out by your optometrist, who can assess your tear ducts to see if there is a local ‘eye plumbing’ problem that needs treatment.
Speak to your Optometrist.TO TOP

sticky discharge
You might have a mild eye infection such as conjunctivitis –
speak to your optometrist or pharmacist for advice.

foreign body sensation
Both eyes
If both eyes feel like this most of the time, and there is no discharge, you are likely to have ‘Dry Eye’, ‘allergy’ or blepharitis
You may have Dry Eye and/or Blepharitis or Allergy.ABOUT DRY EYEAbout BlepharitisJust one eye
If you feel like there is a foreign body in just one eye, it could be just that, and if it cannot be easily removed, you should get this checked out by your optometrist without delay.
Speak to your Optometrist.TO TOP

sore eyelids
Sore eyelids indicate inflammation. Inflammation of the eyelids is called Blepharitis which is often associated with dry eyes too. Eyelids need gentle care to keep them healthy.
You may have Blepharitis.About BlepharitisTO TOP

contact lens fatigue
A simple way to improve the comfort of your contact lenses is to help hydrate and lubricate your eyes with Dry Eye drops, but they must be preservative free.
You may need dry eye drops.ABOUT DRY EYETO TOP

Expert Care Guaranteed
Thea is a company dedicated to eye care and to supporting the education of professionals involved in all aspects of eye health.
We are uncompromising in our approach to developing the best eye care solutions that won’t damage or irritate eyes.