“Best Dry Eye product!”

Tracey, West Midlands

About Thealoz Duo:

“After try­ing sev­er­al eye drops that did not real­ly help my con­di­tion, I was rec­om­mend­ed to use Thealoz Duo and felt an imme­di­ate improve­ment and long last­ing relief from sore, grit­ty and sting­ing eyes.

I also use Thealoz Duo Gel at night. On wak­ing in the morn­ing my eyes feel so much better.

I don’t think I could live with­out my Thealoz Duo!I have already rec­om­mend­ed Thealoz duo to many of my friends and clients who also love the product.”

Dry Eye Solutions

Using reg­u­lar eye drops can help to bal­ance the quan­ti­ty and qual­i­ty of tears in your eyes. We have a range of for­mu­la­tions, free from preser­v­a­tives, designed specif­i­cal­ly to pro­tect and hydrate your eyes.

Expert Care Guaranteed

Thea is a company dedicated to eye care and to supporting the education of professionals involved in all aspects of eye health.

We are uncompromising in our approach to developing the best eye care solutions that won’t damage or irritate eyes.

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Photo of Peter saying - easier than drops for my watery eyes
Photo of Alisa saying - Better than other eye drops
Photo of Alisa saying - Better than other eye drops

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