“Better than other eye drops”

Alisa, Stoke on Trent

“My symp­toms were red­ness, itch­ing and gen­er­al discomfort/​irritation on a dai­ly basis, plus a notice­able grey/​white area on my corneas. I was referred to see an eye spe­cial­ist at Mid­land Eye in New­cas­tle under Lyme by my Opti­cian, who then referred me to a Cornea Spe­cial­ist at UHNS.

The spe­cial­ist diag­nosed me with Dif­fuse Ker­a­to­con­junc­ti­val Pro­lif­er­a­tion (small growths on my corneas which become irri­ta­ble when my eyes become dry). I received a sam­ple bot­tle of Thealoz Duo 5ml to ease my symptoms.

I used the drops, twice a day, as instruct­ed, and noticed an imme­di­ate improve­ment. Thealoz Duo def­i­nite­ly made my eyes feel more com­fort­able and reduced my symp­toms. I attempt­ed to pur­chase anoth­er bot­tle at a local phar­ma­cist, how­ev­er, they advised me to pur­chase an alter­na­tive due to the dif­fer­ence in price.

I assumed there would be no dif­fer­ence, so I took the advice of the phar­ma­cy and pur­chased the alter­na­tive. After using the alter­na­tive prod­uct for a week or so, I def­i­nite­ly noticed a dif­fer­ence, the symp­toms of my con­di­tion start­ed to wors­en and my eyes gen­er­al­ly felt less com­fort­able than when I used the Thealoz Duo.

I have since learned, Thealoz Duo can last for up to 3 months once opened, which means it is more than com­pa­ra­ble cost-wise when com­pared to the alter­na­tive I was advised to use, as this only last­ed 28 days. I would HIGH­LY REC­OM­MEND to any­one who suf­fers from dry eyes and have since start­ed using Ble­pha­clean Wipes as part of my dai­ly routine.”

Dry Eye Solutions

Using reg­u­lar eye drops can help to bal­ance the quan­ti­ty and qual­i­ty of tears in your eyes. We have a range of for­mu­la­tions, free from preser­v­a­tives, designed specif­i­cal­ly to pro­tect and hydrate your eyes.

Expert Care Guaranteed

Thea is a company dedicated to eye care and to supporting the education of professionals involved in all aspects of eye health.

We are uncompromising in our approach to developing the best eye care solutions that won’t damage or irritate eyes.

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Photo of Peter saying - easier than drops for my watery eyes
Photo of Alisa saying - Better than other eye drops
Photo of Tracey saying - best dry eye product

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